Brimley Rescue Persian Cat is Happy Having A Good Home for the First Time -

Brimley Rescue Persian Cat is Happy Having A Good Home for the First Time

Meet Brimley, a happy smiley cat. Ever since the day he was rescued, he’s shown nothing but love and happiness.

This fluffy white Persian cat was rescued from a neglectful breeder. When he was very young, he had eye problems requiring surgery. After he could open his eyes again, he met his foster dad. It was love at first sight.

“I’m technically his foster dad right now while we figure out whether he will be able to keep his left eye (it’s looking good) and then I get first dibs to adopt him. When that time comes around, there’s no way I’m letting him go,” he said via reddit.

“I’ve actually never been much of a cat person, but completely fell in love with Brimley the second I met him. He’s such a sweetheart, relishes having a good home for the first time, and we’ve got our twice daily eye drops / cleaning routine down to just a few minutes,” he added.

Meet Brimley the cat. He was rescued from a neglectful breeder. This is when he met his foster dad. It was love at first sight.

What a difference love makes! That’s how Brimley sleeps… with a smile!

He can’t get enough of snuggles with his foster dad.

When you rub his belly, he’s in heaven.

A little brushing makes him the happiest kitty in the world.

“I fitz!”

Brimley’s favorite pillow.

Playing Peek-a-boo with his foster dad.

“I’ve actually never been much of a cat person, but completely fell in love with Brimley the second I met him. He’s such a sweetheart, relishes having a good home for the first time.” The foster dad is planning to adopt Brimley. “When that time comes around, there’s no way I’m letting him go.”

WATCH VIDEO: Brimley getting rubs.

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