A puppy tries to win over the heart of a ginger cat.
Tickles the ginger cat is a rescue, who is always very calm and enjoys a good nap.
Marley the pup, who recently became part of the family, is smitten with his feline friend, and follows him everywhere he goes.
Marley is eager to be Tickles’ buddy and win over his heart.
Marley and Tickles
Tickles is a bit unsure about his little admirer at first…
But Marley gets closer and cozier with the ginger cat everyday!
Marley and Tickles
Marley stays by Tickles’ side and anxiously awaits a response.
Marley and Tickles
Tickles gives him a snuggle back!
Marley and Tickles
Since then, there has been no shortage of cuddles between the two buddies.
Marley and Tickles
“They are doing great, always sleeping together on the couch! It’s really all thanks to having the most relaxed and well behaved cat,” reddit user murtzor told Love Meow.
Marley is so happy to have a new friend/brother to cuddle with forever!
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