Calico Kitten with Feline Leukemia Proves that Love Gives Her Strength to Live on -

Calico Kitten with Feline Leukemia Proves that Love Gives Her Strength to Live on

Little Emiley was found as a sickly kitten barely hanging on, but as soon as she was touched by her rescuers, she wanted to fight and live.

 Photo by Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee shares the story with Love Meow: “September 5th my friend and I were at the shelter when we saw a tiny kitten only weeks old clinging to life. We were asked if we could do anything to help her…….without a moment of hesitation we took her to the Emergency Clinic. We honestly thought that she had died on the way there.

She was so tiny that she fit in the palm of our hands. She was a very sick little girl and was very anemic. The only option to save this tiny life was a blood transfusion and the will of Emiley to fight to live. She had the transfusion, she fought and she lived.”

More info: Itty Bitty Kitty Committee (Charleston, West Virginia) | Facebook | How you can help

 Photo by Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

But little Emiley was challenged by another hurdle. “She tested positive for feline leukemia. A death sentence for a cat….not usually, but in the world of rescue it sadly is.

“Emiley is different. She fought so hard for her life and at this moment in time she is healthy.” They needed to find a place for Emiley to stay for three months until the next test.

 Photo by Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

“Friday was a day that I and her loving foster family will never forget…none of us thought about anything else on that day.

“That decision was made and it is one that made me cry happy tears. Her foster parents had their cats vaccinated again against FeLV and said that Emiley could stay with them until 3 months have passed and we can have her tested again.”

 Photo by Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

“Will the test be positive? Most likely yes, it will… Will she become very ill in that time period? We don’t know.” But the foster family as well as everyone at Itty Bitty Kitty Committee are not going to give up without a fight. “Her foster parents love this kitten more than I could ever allow you to know by simple words.”

 Photo by Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

“We have decided that this is one kitten that we will not let go… as long as she remains healthy and is not suffering, her future is up to her.”

With a lot of love and care from fosterers Shawn and Emiley, little calico Emiley is doing very well right now. She is a fighter who is simply so happy that she’s given a second chance at life.

 Photo by Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

What love can do! Share this story of little Emiley with your friends!

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