Stray Cat Leads Store Owner to Kitten During the Cold, Now They Have New Year in Comfort and Warmth -

A stray cat led a store owner to her kitten during the cold. Now, they have the New Year in comfort and warmth.

cat snuggles kitten

Pepper Potts (cat) and Jarvis (kitten)Jenn @nashfosterkittens

Over a week ago, L.J., the owner of Totally Rad Toyhouse in Nashville, TN, found a stray cat outside her store, that kept coming back.

L.J. wanted to get the cat into a foster home before the extreme cold weather came in. She reached out to Jenn, a foster volunteer of Metro Animal Care and Control, for help.

“She’s been trying to find a foster for her, but she didn’t know the cat had a baby,” Jenn shared with Love Meow.

stray cat calico

A stray cat showed up outside a collectible toy store and kept coming backTotallyRadToyhouse

“Last week in Nashville, we experienced record cold temperatures and ice/snow. The shop owner was so worried about the cat that she went looking for her.”

When L.J. located the stray, she decided to follow her. To her surprise, the cat had been caring for a kitten all along. They were living in a wooden structure where the mama had dug a deep hole for them to nestle in.

stray cat kitten

She eventually led the store owner to her kittenTotallyRadToyhouse

L.J. was able to break open the area to gain access to the hideout and bring them both to safety. Jenn offered to foster the mother and son duo named Pepper Potts and Jarvis.

“Saving these cats and kittens truly takes a village. I’m so glad that she took the time and did the work to help them,” Jenn told Love Meow.

calico cat mom

Pepper Potts is pleased to have a roof over her head with her kitten JarvisJenn @nashfosterkittens

Pepper and Jarvis were a bit nervous when they first arrived in their foster home. That soon changed when the two got a taste of the luxuries of indoor life.

“I won them over with treats and lots of pets, and they’re already opening up so much.”

burrito kitten ginger

Jarvis is loving his new life as an indoor catJenn @nashfosterkittens

Just a few days prior, Pepper was roaming the streets, and now she is lounging about in a comfy home with her beloved kitten right by her side.

They have grown to adore the company of their people and can’t get enough of their attention. “They greet me at the door and roll over for belly rubs.”

cute ginger white kitten jarvis

Jenn @nashfosterkittens

Pepper is just like a kitten when she plays with Jarvis as they run around the house and wrestle with each other. After tiring themselves out, they will curl up in a bed together and fall asleep snuggling.

“The way she kept herself and Jarvis alive outdoors in sub-zero conditions is just amazing.”

mother cat kitten, Pepper potts jarvis cat

They love to play together and cuddle when they napJenn @nashfosterkittens

“She is so protective of him and follows him around my foster room, making sure he’s safe,” Jenn told Love Meow. “He loves to snuggle her and thinks her tail is the best toy of all time.”

Pepper and Jarvis kicked off the New Year with plenty of cuddles and good food in the comfort and warmth of their foster home.

cat mom hugs kitten

Pepper is a doting cat mama to her precious baby JarvisJenn @nashfosterkittens

In about two weeks, they will be ready for adoption (as a pair ideally) — to find a dream home where they will be cherished and adored for life.

cat mom indoor life

Share this story with your friends. More on Pepper Potts and Jarvis and Jenn’s fosters on Instagram @nashfosterkittens.

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